Thyroid Blog

My Thyroid Symptoms Vanished With Diet, Vitamins and Minerals

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Erin Boyea, Thyroid Thrivers Thyroid Nation 32 years old Hashimoto's New York, USA Diagnosed in 2009   I never researched Hashimoto's Disease when I received the "hypothyroidism" diagnosis. My doctor made it sound so simple, "Take this pill. Your thyroid needs it. You'll feel better." So I did. My Story: A Brief Summary I spent most of 5 years taking Synthroid 125 mcg/daily tablets, brand name (because Levo wasn't working to get my levels "normal.")My doctor said it might be…

A Worldwide Leader Of Thyroid Change

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Michelle Bickford, Thyroid Thrivers Thyroid Nation 36 years old Hashimoto's Thyroiditis New Jersey, USA Diagnosed in 1987 Help spread the message that thyroid treatment and healthcare changes are needed, on May 25th, 2014, World Thyroid Day! Hashimoto's Thyroiditis is part of who I am. Diagnosed at the age of 11, my personal story is intricately intertwined with my disease. Taking a daily pill, and ensuring a "good" TSH with testing every 6 months, my Hashimoto's was insignificant or so my…

No More Hiding My Happiness Due To Hypothyroidism

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Vikki Gavin, Thyroid Thrivers Thyroid Nation   45 years old Florida, USA Hypothyroidism 2013   My nickname is Giggles, but sometimes it's just part of the act. One of the many faces I have developed over the years, to mask my hypothyroidism symptoms. Maybe, with proper healthcare and this new doctor, I can be the real GIGGLES again! To be honest, I really do not know where the beginning is with my Hypothyroidism story. I will start with what I do know. Depression is…

Start Consuming Coconut Oil And Get Off Thyroid Meds

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Natasha Longo, Prevent Disease Thyroid Nation There are many published studies on the relationship between coconut oil, metabolism and weight loss. Research shows that coconut oil contains unique fatty acids that stimulate metabolism, supply the body with tremendous energy, and promote weight loss. Most people are unaware that hypothyroidism is an autoimmune disease and this is one of the main reasons why conventional pharmaceutical treatments are ineffective for more than 80 percent of patients with sluggish thyroids. Why Thyroid Medication…

Cannabis Oil Healed This Woman’s Inoperable Mass And Thyroid Disease

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Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Thyroid Nation   With each natural alternative I discussed with my doctors I was reassured there was nothing natural, much less cannabis oil, ever going to fix my thyroid. In 2011, Lindsay Bunn Rogers was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and was immediately placed on medication to control her symptoms. She became more ill and eventually her entire thyroid was covered with palpable masses. Despite her doctor's position that "nothing natural" would ever heal her, Lindsay found not only relief but…

The Power Of ‘I Believe’ & Autoimmune Dis-ease

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Stacey Robbins, Contributor Thyroid Nation Autoimmunity inspiration... First of all, for anyone who knows me personally or has read my book, “You’re Not Crazy and You’re Not Alone” you know this: I am not into the whole victim mentality. Now, that doesn’t mean I haven’t acted like a victim. Or that I don’t still dip my toes in the pool of victimhood from time-to-time, because I do. The difference between then and now is that I notice it faster and jump…

I Earned My Master’s Degree With No Help From Hypothyroidism

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A. R. C., Thyroid Thrivers Thyroid Nation 24 years old London, England Hypothyroidism 2013 The decline in my health, low energy levels and slight increase in weight were all issues I associated with university-induced stress, not something related to my thyroid, much less Hypothyroidism. How does one even contain a written piece about something that slowly infiltrates your entire life, creeping into every little nook and cranny over a period of years? This, I think, is going to be a hard one…

Hashimoto’s Disease Caused My Wedding Bell Blues

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Stephanie Williams, Thyroid Thrivers Thyroid Nation 29 years old Wales, UK Hashimoto's Disease 2011 My story starts back just a few short years ago, after the birth of my second child, Harri..... I felt terribly ill throughout the entire pregnancy. Exhaustion was just part of my daily routine. Not having any energy to do normal things, was strange to me. Carrying such a large baby (born 10lb 14oz!), had to be the reason for me needing and wanting to catch some Zzzzzz's,…

Could My Thyroid Cancer Be Caused By The Fukushima Disaster?

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Columbia Surgery, (Dr. McConnell) Columbia University Thyroid Nation Fukushima Thyroid Cancer: It’s Oral, Head & Neck Cancer Weak, so we’re revisiting this Q&A with Dr. McConnell, in which he explains why the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster is less likely have long term cancer implications for the surrounding area, than did the Chernobyl disaster. The earthquake and tsunami in Japan that occurred in March 2011 not only took the lives of hundreds of people, but also resulted in a nuclear crisis at…

How To Overcome Adrenal Fatigue And Feel Energized

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Dani Veracity, Natural News Thyroid Nation The easy, relaxed lifestyle experienced by our ancestors no longer exists, and we're not even aware of how much stress we're under. The problem? "Our lifestyles have changed, but our bodies haven't," Dr. James Wilson said in his November lecture at the First Arizona Choices Exposition in Tucson, Ariz. A large portion of our population is feeling tired and stressed out, and we want to know why. Insert, Adrenal Fatigue (AF)! The adrenal glands sit…