


An autoimmune disorder occurs when a person’s immune system mistakenly attacks their own body tissues. The main function of our immune system is to defend the body from germs and other foreign invaders. But with autoimmune disorders, the body fails to tell the difference between your good cells and the bad germs. When this happens, the body makes antibodies that are directed towards the body’s own tissues called auto-antibodies. These autoantibodies attack the normal cells by mistake causing mass disorder and chaos throughout the body and disrupt normal function.

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis  – is an auto-immune disease caused when the body attacks the thyroid gland. Which can often result in an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in the United States. It primarily affects middle-aged women but also can occur in men and women of any age and in children.

Autoimmune-Thyroid-NationHashimotos Thyroiditis disease of the thyroid gland is named after the Japanese physician Hakaru Hashimoto. Graves disease is also an autoimmune disease of the gland causing overactivity. An auto-immune disease means that the body’s own antibodies attack cells within the body as they fail to recognize the cells as part of that body and therefore antibodies attack, in this case, the Thyroid gland. Other examples of autoimmune diseases are: Addison’s disease (Adrenal Glands), Diabetes Mellitus (Pancreas), Systemic Lupus (connective tissue) Rheumatoid Arthritis (joints).

It is important to point out that once you have an auto-immune disease, you are more susceptible to developing others.

There is still limited medical knowledge as to why auto-immune disease occurs and usually, there is a family history. However, much can be done to alleviate the unpleasant symptoms associated with them.

There is still limited medical knowledge as to why auto-immune disease occurs and usually, there is a family history. However, much can be done to alleviate the unpleasant symptoms associated with them.



Graves’ Disease – is an auto-immune disease. It most commonly affects the thyroid, often causing it to enlarge and become overactive (hyperthyroidism). Click here for articles on Graves’ disease.


Adrenal Fatigue plays an important role in moderating auto-immune diseases. During adrenal fatigue, your adrenal glands are not producing enough cortisol to counter your auto-immune inflammatory reaction. A healthy adrenal gland is therefore essential for minimizing damage from uncontrolled inflammation brought about by auto-immune processes. Click here for articles on Adrenals.


Fibromyalgia is best characterized by the chronic pain related to soft-tissue throughout the body. Symptoms may include weakness, fatigue, and sleep disturbances. The cause is unknown but is believed to involve psychological, genetic, neurobiological and environmental factors. An underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) can cause problems similar to fibromyalgia. Click here for articles on Fibromyalgia.

List of over 100 Autoimmune Diseases:

Autoimmune and Autoimmune-Related Diseases

**NOTE:   Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue are listed, not because they are auto-immune, but because many persons who suffer from them have associated auto-immune disease(s)

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