Thyroid Blog

Hyperthyroidism Saved My Life And Even Kept Me Alive

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Elle Taylor, Thyroid Thrivers Thyroid Nation   20 years old High Wycombe, UK Hyperthyriodism Diagnosed in 2012 Hyperthyroidism, saved my life. In a strange way, I am grateful to have this thyroid disease. It all started kicking off at the young age of 18. I may not be very old, but I KNOW that 18 years old,  is young. Too young for depression and undiagnosed hyperthyroidism. I could feel myself falling apart, inside my body. Not to mention, visibly on…

How Your Metabolism Works With Your Thyroid

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Sarah Wartman, Guest Thyroid Nation   By now you know (or you should!) that your thyroid regulates your metabolism. Your metabolism is the way your body uses the food you eat as energy. Hypothyroid patients may get extremely frustrated with all this metabolism talk, as our metabolisms are “impaired” from this disease. If you are hypothyroid, and have trouble losing weight, it is imperative you get the proper medication and treatment. Otherwise, efforts to lose weight may be futile. And,…

Your Thyroid Can Be Damaged By Hashimoto’s

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Michael Ruscio, DC, Primal Docs Thyroid Nation   Hashimoto’s is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in the United States [1-4] From Guyton’s Textbook of Medical Physiology regarding hypothyroid patients, The thyroid glands of most of these patients first have autoimmune “thyroiditis,” which means thyroid inflammation.  This causes progressive deterioration and finally fibrosis of the gland, with resultant diminished or absent secretion of thyroid hormone." [5] Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT) is a common disease, and is the most prevalent cause of…

Taking High Doses Of Vitamin B12 Can Cause Acne?

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Mandy Dunlop, Livestrong Thyroid Nation   Acne is caused by the overproduction of sebum, an oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands in the skin. Excess oil makes the skin pores sticky, allowing dirt and sebum to become trapped inside. When these bacteria stay below the skin surface, a whitehead is formed. A blackhead appears when sebum combines with skin pigments and plugs the pores. In both cases, bacteria multiply and cause inflammation. Excess supplementation of Vitamin B12 has been…

Crashing And Weaning Off Of Hydrocortisone For Adrenals

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Unyquity, CureZone Thyroid Nation Question: I used to stop into this forum, once in a while, and someone told me I might have trouble going off or weaning from taking Hydrocortisone and Testosterone. Should I be worried about it? I'm hoping to go from 10 mg Hydrocortisone to 5 mg as of right now. Answer: Hydrocortisone Weaning, by Unyquity: I've been working as fast/hard as I can to get you this information on withdrawing from Hydrocortisone and your hormones. Here it…

Hypothyroid Healing Through Self-Care And My Inner Goddess

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Aja Vancica, Thyroid Thrivers Thyroid Nation   41 years old Georgia, USA Hypothyroid Diagnosed in 2007 A couple of months after I got married, I found myself in severe depression, confusion and a state of truly not feeling like myself. I was upset and tired all the time, I had intimacy issues, and really bad insomnia-can you imagine what my husband must have been thinking “Uh, I think I made a mistake!” Finding You (Amazon Book)…

Is Hypothyroidism Linked To High Cholesterol?

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Dr. Justin Marchegiani, Fix Your Thyroid Thyroid Nation   Without enough thyroid hormone many of our bodily functions begin to slow down (weakened metabolism) and our body temperature tends to drop. Thyroid hormone is essential to health and is needed to help breakdown the building blocks of our hormones (cholesterol) into our active hormone constituents such as estrogen, cortisol, progesterone and testosterone. If there is an inability to break down our hormonal raw material on the front end we tend…

Your Thyroid Gland Does Not Enjoy Fireworks!

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Melanie Grimes, NaturalNews Thyroid Nation   Fireworks and Your Thyroid Health, by Melanie Grimes: The traditional Fourth of July fireworks could prove to be detrimental to a healthy thyroid and to the planet. Fireworks contain the ingredient potassium perchlorate that has been linked to thyroid problems. Both rocket fuel and fireworks produce potassium perchlorate, which has been shown to contaminate water supplies as well as to infiltrate the food chain. Chemicals that are released from fireworks include cadmium, barium, rubidium,…

Whiplash As My Hashimoto’s Trigger? Watch My Swan Dive

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Linda J Dobberstein, DC, DACBN, DCBCN, Wellness Resources Thyroid Nation I think this was the downfall of my adrenals and my Hashimoto's trigger! (watch REAL video via Facebook below) ~Danna Whiplash, Thyroid and Adrenals, by Linda J. Dobberstein, DC In the last ten to fifteen years, substantial progress has been made in understanding whiplash injuries. Many individuals who suffered from whiplash injuries were thought to be malingering or seeking insurance or disability benefits without cause from minor motor vehicle accidents. These individuals,…

6 Must Do Lab Tests For Your Health In 2014

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Suzy Cohen, Suzy Cohen Healthy Lifestyle Thyroid Nation Dear America's Pharmacist, I want to get healthy this year. I have all sorts of problems that plague me and curious to know if you were my “doctor” what lab tests would you have me do to uncover the root cause? Answer: It’s a good question because some of you are taking lab tests that don’t even matter that much, like the standard thyroid test called “TSH” for thyroid stimulating hormone. This…