Thyroid Blog

Heal Your Gut And Lose Weight To Help Thyroid Function

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Danna Bowman, Founder Thyroid Nation Leaky Gut Usually Associated With Autoimmune Disease Leaky gut syndrome is almost always associated with autoimmune disease. In fact, reversing symptoms of autoimmune disease depends on healing the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. Any other treatment is just symptom suppression. Autoimmune disease is defined as when the immune system makes antibodies against its own tissues. As you likely know if you are reading this, one common example is Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis where the body makes antibodies to…

Thyroid And Autoimmune Disease – Beware Of Social Media

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Sebastian Kern, Contributor Thyroid Nation Thyroid Support Groups Hey there all you gorgeous Thyroid Warriors and Thyroid Thrivers. It’s me again. I’ve been lying dormant for a while. Seems like my levels and numbers are all where they should be (for now), and more importantly, I’ve been feeling pretty awesome. But as we all know, the Thyroid roller coaster ride can take us anywhere at any time. So even with things going well for the moment, I still keep myself involved…

TH1 vs TH2 Dominance: The Battle Hashimoto’s Disease Wages

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Dr. Joni Labbe, Contributor Thyroid Nation TH1 And TH2 Imbalance  You’ve finally been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease. That means you’re on your way to taming your thyroid, right? Before you can get your condition under control, you have to understand the role your immune system plays in your thyroid’s health. Hashimoto’s is, after all, an autoimmune condition, not a thyroid disease. As such, your recovery depends on understanding how your immune system works. It all starts with an imbalance between two parts of your…

The Autoimmune Roller Coaster – Balancing Self-Care And Commitments

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Jennifer Ganey, CHHC, Contributor Thyroid Nation The Autoimmune Roller Coaster Life with autoimmune disease can often feel like a roller coaster. Some days are great and other days you are like a keyboard with a few important letters missing. Here is a recent example in my life. Last week I took a long walk that included some jogging. For the first time in many months I was able to work up a sweat without feeling like I had the flu…

5 Natural Tips Get Your Thyroid Back on Track, Without Medication

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Dr. Amy Myers, Contributor Thyroid Nation Hypothyroidism And Hashimoto's Symptoms Persist Despite Medication If you’ve been diagnosed with thyroid dysfunction, particularly Hashimoto’s or hypothyroidism, your doctor’s first (and likely only) treatment protocol was prescribing supplemental thyroid hormone, typically Synthroid® or Levoxyl® which are the brand name versions of levothyroxine. In fact, Synthroid® is the number one most prescribed drug in America! (Did he/she ever mention 'stress'?) However, despite the 21.6 million prescriptions for Synthroid ordered each month, millions of thyroid…

Tips And Quotes About Your Health And The Thyroid Connection

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Danna Bowman, Founder Thyroid Nation Tired, Brain-fogged and Overweight? The Thyroid Connection  Tens of millions worldwide have some form of thyroid dysfunction, and 60% don’t know they have it or how it occurred. Are you one of them? Did you know that dry, brittle hair, hair loss, TMJ, Constipation and depression are just a few symptoms? Check out many more symptoms you might not know about. The Thyroid Connection Summit is online and FREE from October 24-31, 2016. Overcome thyroid…

The “M” Word – Thyroid Cancer Metastasized To Lungs

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Barry Hollander, Guest Thyroid Nation It all began with the “C” word. Cancer. Then I’ve moved up a notch to the “M” word. Metastasized. I’m not sure which is worse. First let me give you the news hook — my thyroid cancer, diagnosed in 2013, metastasized to my lungs. It’s not lung cancer, it’s thyroid cancer. In the lungs. Second, here’s the rising tension — there’s no cure. Well, there is a cure for thyroid cancer. It’s called surgery to remove the thyroid and any cancerous cells, followed…

These 13 Natural Steps Can Improve Thyroid And Mental Health

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Jordan Fallis, Guest Thyroid Nation Thyroid Health Linked To Our Mental State Sometimes it may feel as if we have no control over our thoughts and emotions. Our minds can take on a life of their own, with no rhyme or reason as to why we're suddenly sad and anxious. But there are always underlying causes of these mood swings, and with a better understanding of them, you can learn to manage and overcome them. Like I have, you can connect the…

The Sleep Crisis Affecting Life And Our Thyroids – An Excerpt

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Danna Bowman, Founder Thyroid Nation Inspired by the fabulous, Demo DeMartile, founder of and friend of Thyroid Nation, during a wonderful and enlightening moment. Thyroid sufferers have problems with sleep. Either, they can't fall asleep or they sleep too much. Or, even worse, they wake up in the middle of the night with cravings, like me. So then goes the question, is it the adrenal glands, something I knew nothing of on my nightly trips to the kitchen as a…

Potbelly Syndrome Linked To Thyroid Disease? Inflammation

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Dr. Ron Hunninghake, Riordan Clinic Thyroid Nation Dr. Hunninghake discusses the thyroid and potbelly connection. Potbelly Syndrome (PBS) evokes a rather benign, almost humorous, image of someone who has simply overdone the cheesecake or beer.  A ‘little gut’ can’t hurt much…can it? Perhaps a more sinister name such as ‘Potbelly Plague’ would better convey the urgency of what the World Health Organization is now recognizing as “the global epidemic of obesity.” In America alone, 68% of us are afflicted. Look around:…