Thyroid Blog

Thyroid Food And How To Eat Right

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Breanne shares helpful tips for thyroid food you should eat and foods to eat in moderation. Breanne Rice, Guest Thyroid Nation The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped organ that sits at the front of the neck. It's the primary regulator of metabolism and has a huge impact on our endocrine function as a whole. If you're experiencing symptoms such as memory loss, sudden weight gain or a slowing down of all processes, a sluggish thyroid may be to blame. One…

Cold Weather Can Be A Thyroid Trigger – 5 Tips

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Louise O'Connor, Contributor Thyroid Nation Thoughts on thyroid triggers and cold weather. When your body's regulatory systems are working well your body can maintain an ideal core body temperature, even when the outside temperature plummets. However, if you are feeling the cold all the time, especially during winter it could mean your body’s thermoregulatory systems are out of balance and your body is finding it much harder to keep warm. What is a normal body temperature? The average normal resting…

What Action To Take If You Suspect Postpartum Thyroiditis

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Dr. Jolene Brighten, Guest Thyroid Nation Many New Mothers Develop Postpartum Thyroid Conditions Fatigue, weight loss or gain, anxiety and irritability are all just part of being a mother, right? Not necessarily. In fact, when these symptoms persist, they may be a sign of a bigger underlying issue. While we expect there to be some level of fatigue, many mothers find themselves in my practice after being told their severe exhaustion, debilitating anxiety and fluctuations in weight are just part…

A Story Of A Mutated MTHFR Gene Connected To Miscarriage

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Rachel Loth, Guest Thyroid Nation MTHFR And Miscarriage – My Story Around May 2010 I found out I was pregnant with our 6th child. We had 4 living children and I’d had one previous miscarriage. My first miscarriage was very early. That time, we found out I was pregnant on a Thursday, mailed out some cute announcements to our family across the country on Friday and I miscarried Sunday. It was shocking and upsetting but not hard physically. I was…

What Happens To Immune Cells And Food That Causes Inflammation

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Shannon Garrett, Contributor Thyroid Nation Immune Cells And Food That Causes Inflammation What is it exactly that happens with immune cells in the presence of a food that causes inflammation? The immune cell either ruptures completely or changes shape. A food sensitivity is not something you "feel" as stomach upset. An efficient immune response protects against many diseases and disorders. An inefficient immune response allows diseases to develop. Too much, too little, or the wrong immune response causes immune system…

Bromine In Soda Drinks Adversely Affects Your Thyroid Gland

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Dr. Craig Maxwell, Contributor Thyroid Nation Bromine is in many things including soda. Dr. Maxwell discusses the many negative effects it has on your health and your thyroid.  There’s a sneaky additive in your soda that can cause you to develop thyroid disease. You may have heard how unhealthy high fructose corn syrup and aspartame can be but you may have never heard of a sneaky additive called brominated vegetable oil. (Bromine) If you enjoy citrus-flavored sodas like Mountain Dew and…

Thyroid Awareness Month – Spreading Information About Autoimmune Diseases

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Amanda Goodwin, Contributor Thyroid Nation Thyroid Awareness Did you know January is Thyroid Awareness Month?  I would like to help, by bringing awareness and education through this NEW Newsletter Series I created on Thyroid Health.  Are you aware that the number one prescription sold is Synthroid?  Millions Of People In The US Are Affected By Autoimmune Hashimoto's 90% of those with thyroid issues have an autoimmune condition known as Hashimoto’s. Many with thyroid issues are not being diagnosed. The ones…

The Importance Of Vitamins For Healthy Skin (And Infographic)

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Amelia, FixYourSkin Thyroid Nation You Are What You Eat - Vitamins Give You Radiant Skin There are tons of state-of-the-art skin care treatments and products in the market that might help you diminish the effects of aging. However, looking healthier and younger begins from the inside. In short, you are what you consume. Your food should not only be considered something that can satisfy your taste buds every day or fuel your body. It should also be seen as something…

7 Foods That Can Interfere With Thyroid Hormone – Use Caution

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Thyroid Nation Foods to Avoid - Eat In Moderation for Thyroid Health Hypothyroidism can be a tricky condition to manage, and what you eat can interfere with your treatment. Some nutrients heavily influence the function of the thyroid gland, and certain foods can inhibit your body's ability to absorb the replacement hormones you may take as part of your thyroid treatment. There's no such thing as a "hypothyroidism diet" that will make you well, but eating smart can help you…

Does Alcohol Harm Thyroid Health During The Holiday Season?

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Joe Leech, Contributor Thyroid Nation The holiday season is finally here. Not only is this the time of year when we eat more food, but most of us will drink more alcohol too. But does alcohol intake influence thyroid health for those with hypothyroidism? This article looks at the current evidence. High Alcohol Intake Does Affect Thyroid Hormone Levels Alcoholic beverages can affect almost all organs and systems in the human body. Thyroid hormone levels are no exception. More specifically, alcohol…
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