
Breanne shares helpful tips for thyroid food you should eat and foods to eat in moderation.

Breanne Rice, Guest
Thyroid Nation

The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped organ that sits at the front of the neck. It’s the primary regulator of metabolism and has a huge impact on our endocrine function as a whole.

If you’re experiencing symptoms such as memory loss, sudden weight gain or a slowing down of all processes, a sluggish thyroid may be to blame. One of the biggest reasons our thyroid slows down, in addition to aging, environmental factors, and genetic predisposition is lack of iodine. Our bodies aren’t able to make iodine naturally, so we rely on obtaining nutrients through our diet to support a healthy thyroid.

Thyroid Food

The thyroid gland, in order to work properly, needs to be supported with iodine, but adding foods rich in tyrosine, zinc and selenium will also help give your system a boost! Some foods, thyroid foods, to incorporate daily that are rich in these specific nutrients are:

  • Sea veggies containing dulse, kelp and nori (Careful with Hashi’s)
  • Brazil nuts
  • Coconut oil
  • Maca
  • Cod liver oil
  • Egg yolks
  • Ghee
  • Grass-fed butter
  • Avocado

Keep in mind to always listen to your body. If you have Hashimoto’s and you already eat plenty of iodine for health and thyroid, be mindful not to incorporate much more.

As you start eating more foods with iodine, be careful about eating foods that inhibit iodine metabolism. Called “goitrogens,” these foods can for some, make it harder for your thyroid gland to use iodine. They are okay to eat every day in moderation. And, to decrease the possible effect, each thyroid food listed below can/should be cooked, to be sure.

Non Thyroid Food

Here is a list of the most common goitrogenic foods. These foods should be avoided or minimized if you are currently struggling with under-active thyroid:

  • Cauliflower
  • Kale
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Radishes
  • Spinach
  • Mustard greens
  • Soy and soy-based foods (NONE)
  • Peanuts (Inflammation)

If you aren’t suffering from a thyroid condition, try to eat more thyroid-boosting foods as much as possible, as thyroid function declines with age. It’s crucial to our health to obtain these much-needed nutrients from our diet. When was the last time you ate dulse, nori, and kelp or had a handful of brazil nuts?

What kinds of thyroid food do you eat and which do you avoid?

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About the Author

Breanne-5Breanne Rice is a nutritional therapy practitioner from Seattle, WA specializing in digestion, immune and allergy. She works with clients all over the globe and often travels to speak at live events. Check out her website at She is currently a contestant on ABC’s “The Bachelor”, so she is not on social media!

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