Amino Acid Therapy, Guest Thyroid Nation

Autoimmune Disease Be Caused By Chemical Issues

Neurotransmitters are a class of chemical messengers in the body that help regulate, either directly or indirectly, most of the other systems and functions in the body. If there are imbalances in these neurotransmitters, many bodily functions will start to function inappropriately, which can lead to a number of unpleasant or debilitating symptoms. Most people have heard of several common neurotransmitters, including serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine (also known as adrenaline) and are familiar with at least some of their functions in regards to mood (especially depression) and sleep (serotonin is the immediate precursor to melatonin, which helps you fall asleep and stay asleep). The key point is that when imbalances in neurotransmitters occur, information is not relayed optimally in the brain which causes symptoms. Click To Tweet What most people do not know is that neurotransmitter imbalances can dramatically affect many other aspects of your health and can cause or exacerbate any of the following conditions:

Disease Symptoms (similar to autoimmune)

Depression Anxiety Migraines
Insomnia Cravings Increased appetite
Low pain tolerance Hot flashes Mood swings
PMS Sleep difficulties Poor memory
Weight gain Poor weight loss Hormone imbalances
Poor mental focus Poor concentration Restless legs
Fibromyalgia Fatigue/Chronic fatigue Poor thyroid function
Parkinson’s Disease ADD/ADHD Trichotillomania
Addictions Binging behavior Eating disorders
Obsessive thoughts Compulsion Crohn’s disease

A full list of the disorders and diseases related to neurotransmitter imbalance can be accessed here. The key point is that when imbalances in neurotransmitters occur, information is not relayed optimally in the brain which causes symptoms. Most people exhibit more than one of these conditions but fail to make the connection between them. This connection is not made because most health care professionals don’t know much about brain chemistry or how to use amino acid therapy to correct the underlying neurotransmitter imbalances. TNE-Call-Me-Pretty-Pin-Style-Banner We have a novel approach to help those with these disorders substantially reduce and/or eliminate their symptoms.  It is based on underlying biochemical imbalances in brain chemistry, and it works. Chart taken from Alvin Stein, MD: http://www.neuroscience Original article found at AminoAcidTherapy.com

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 Questions or anything to add about disease symptoms linked to chemical imbalances? We’d love your thoughts in the comments section!