Sally Baker, Guest
Thyroid Nation

Stress And The Thyroid

Stress can really do bad things to your adrenals and your thyroid gland. Obviously, the precise measurement or even definition of stress can be hard to conclude.

Thyroid-Diet-Ad-FrontThere are those that blossom on busy lifestyles and those who get all stressed by even a minor change in their daily routine. Most people lie somewhere in the middle.

How do you know if you’re stressed? Here are a few indicators:

• Worries keep you from sleeping at night
• You become irritable or impatient over minor problems
• Difficulty concentrating
• Smoke/drink more than you usually do
• Difficulty relaxing
• Frequent headaches
• Neck and shoulder muscle tension

How to avoid stress

Sometimes stress happens instantly and other times it builds over time. Since stress does play a role in hypothyroidism, it is necessary for people suffering from it to be able to avoid stress. Here are a few tips to help you avoid and cope with your stress:

1) Learn what things stress you out

You can possibly begin with a diary over a few weeks of time. Prepare a list of the times, places, and people that seem to increase your stress levels. Look for patterns such as traffic, waiting in lines, certain people’s behaviors, etc. Once you know what they are, you may find talking it out helps. You may also want to do a relaxation method in this article to prevent or reduce the stress.

2) Relaxation Techniques for Stress

These can include either or both techniques below, or one you find on your own to cope with stressful situations:

  1. Take long, deep, slow breaths—Remember to breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth.
  2. Muscular tense and release method—You can try things such as twisting your neck around each way as far as it is comfortable for you and then relaxing, or fully tense your shoulders and back muscles for several seconds and then relax them. Sometimes forcing yourself to tense and release will actually relieve the tension.

3) Make time for relaxation

Relaxation doesn’t usually just happen…you make it happen! You need to plan it. It may be a long, hot bath, listening to music, or even taking a short walk. You can try meditation or exercising. Relaxation CDs or DVDs are also available to help you. These times can be used to clear your head and reflect. It help keeps your life in perspective.

4) Take a “time out” when you need one

Everyone needs a break once in a while. When you’re at work, actually eat lunch. Don’t just grab a bite while working. You may need to shorten the break due to work schedule, but a few minutes can make all the difference.

5) Be sure to exercise regularly

It will do more than keep you fit, it can reduce stress levels. Just a few minutes a day such as taking a brisk walk can help.

Thyroid-Diet-Ad-Banner26) Start a new hobby

Select one that has no deadlines, pressures, or stressors. They can be picked up when you need them and you can leave them easily. They help you get your mind off of what is stressing you out.

Stress interferes with optimal thyroid health

Stress can interfere with your body reaching optimal thyroid health. There are many other ways to reduce your stress, but these should give you an idea where to start.

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About the Author

Sally BakerSally Baker developed the Thyroid Wellness program. It is based on both her personal experience and her work helping clients get their health—and their lives—back. The program is highly successful; clients have experienced increased energy, better digestion, fewer aches and pains, improved mood and memory, balanced hormones, weight loss—and they get glowing skin and hair in the bargain! Sally was a professional dancer and studying to be a naturopath when she suddenly got sick. She was only 24 and very active, yet she was overwhelmingly fatigued, bloated, and constipated. She developed eczema and quickly gained weight. Since she had been studying naturopathy (treating illnesses through natural means), Sally decided to take her health into her own hands. Her research showed that she was eating all the wrong foods for thyroid health. So she completely changed my diet, and that simple change gave her her life back. That’s exactly what the Thyroid Wellness program is all about! Sally has developed a book, a course, and she now offers personal consultations that will guide you, step-by-step to better thyroid health and a better life. Don’t forget to follow her on Twitter. Read the original article, here.

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Questions or anything to add about how stress affects the thyroid? We want your thoughts, please. You might just help someone else in need.