Kevin Dobryznski, D.N., Guest
Thyroid Nation
There’s a HUGE connection between your thyroid, diet, digestion, and your symptoms. If you have a thyroid problem, diet should be your primary focus. However, if you cannot fully digest the food in your diet, you will still be plagued by thyroid symptoms. Herein lies a secret that will benefit you for the rest of your life, given you choose to act on it.
There’s an old saying, which is, you are what you eat. However, it has been revised. The new saying is, you are what you absorb.
In order for your body to use the food you eat, it must go through a transformation process. This process starts in your mouth via chewing of your food. Some say, the digestion process starts before you even put food in your mouth.
Did you know that the body starts to prepare itself for digestion at the very sight and smell of food?
Remember the Pavlov experiment, where the dog starts to salivate at the sound of a bell? Well, your digestive process is very similar. The moment you see food and smell it, assuming you’re hungry, your body will start producing certain enzymes to digest the meal.
A good thyroid diet is important, but you need to absorb all the nutrients for it to have benefit. If you’re not absorbing nutrients, you’ll still continue to struggle with energy, hair loss, fatigue, depression, etc.
Two common nutrient deficiencies related to low stomach acid, or hypochlorhydria, and hypothyroidism are iron and b12.
Hypothyroidism affects digestion by reducing the production of HCL
Hydrochloric acid. Your stomach produces HCL, to help break down meals, especially proteins. Without sufficient HCL, your body will struggle to break down proteins, leaving you tired, bloated, and gassy after a meal.
Stomach acid also helps kill bad bacteria that enters your body through food. It also helps to keep the good and bad bacteria balanced, which keeps your immune system strong.
Low stomach acid eventually leads to deficiencies, symptoms, and dis-ease of the body.
Research has proven that hypothyroidism slows down the processing of food, both in the rate of digestion and elimination. This is one reason for constipation. A thyroid diet with adequate soluble and insoluble fiber, along with plenty of water, will help.
Also, hypochlorhydria does not occur only in those with hypothyroidism. Most people over the age of 50 happen to be hypochlorhydric. This may be the reason for common vitamin b12 deficiencies among seniors. You need HCL to fully absorb certain nutrients.
The addition of HCL supplements has been attributed to an increase in energy and a reduction in joint pain, hair loss, GI upsets, depression, constipation, acne, candida, and insomnia.
Also, hypochlorhydria does not occur only in those with hypothyroidism. Most people over the age of 50 happen to be hypochlorhydric. Click To TweetThink of digestive aids like HCL and enzymes just as an extension of your diet. They’re not vitamins or minerals, but they help you absorb vitamins and minerals at a much higher rate.
By adding HCL to your thyroid diet you can see and feel a change in symptoms within a short period of time. Here’s how you do it.
Start by adding one capsule of Betaine Hydrochloride to your meals. Take the capsule in the middle of the meal. This is exactly when your body produces it. Every third day, add one more capsule to your meals until you start to feel a slight burning or acidic feeling. At this point, you will want to reduce your dose by one capsule. This is your personal dose.
This is THE cheapest and simplest way to start you on the path to eliminating thyroid symptoms.
Doctors will do their part, but you have to do yours. The simple addition of HCL to a good thyroid diet, along with other lifestyle modifications, may be all you need to get your health back.
About the Author
Dr. Kevin Dobrzynski is currently licensed in Illinois as a Doctor of Naprapathy. Dr. Kevin is also a certified personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and he is a Metabolic Typing Advisor through healthexcel. Using exercise prescription along with nutritional counseling and supplementation to create the backbone of his practice, Dr. Kevin believes that exercise and the correct nutrition play an essential role to prevent and rehabilitate the body of DIS-EASE. Check out his website at TheHypothyroidDiet.com and follow him on Facebook.
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I have learned a great deal from this article. Can you recommend a quality HCL? Thank you.
I have hypothyroidism and my acid level is extremely high.