Dana Trentini, Hypothyroid Mom
Thyroid Nation
This article hit home for me, especially. My grandmother passed away in a mental institution and my grandmother, mother, sister and I all suffer from thyroid disease. It makes me wonder whether or not she might have been misdiagnosed, undiagnosed and definitely undertreated. ~Danna Bowman
Dana Trentini writes about the possibility that some people suffering from mental disorder are in fact under-treated or undiagnosed hypothyroidism sufferers!?
I stopped breathing momentarily when I received a message from one of my blog readers…trying to think back to all my years of work with children and adults with various forms of mental disorder. Is it possible that some people suffering from mental disorder are in fact undiagnosed or under-treated hypothyroidism sufferers? This reader has left me thinking overall I have learned about mental disorders and all the cases of children and adults I have worked with over the past 20 years. She has turned my perspective on mental health literally upside down.
Dear Dana,
I found your blog Hypothyroid Mom and feel a need to contact you directly. I was an energetic successful person and in one year I fell down and literally broke. I was put in a mental health ward because I went days without sleeping, felt so tired I couldn’t function and found myself delusional and couldn’t stop the words running through my head. I was diagnosed bipolar and drugged up with medication. I saw the line of bipolar patients waiting every morning in the psych ward for electric shock therapy. The only thing that saved me from electric shock was my mother yelling NO.
For four years I was drugged up so bad that my mind wasn’t right. I told the psychiatrists and doctors that something wasn’t right with me. From 110 pounds my weight went up to 245. I was so tired, suffered pains from fibromyalgia. My heart rate was pounding at 155 and my blood pressure was through the roof. They just kept telling me I was bipolar and that I was a hypochondriac.
Finally after 4 years of bipolar medications to the max, a close family member was diagnosed with hypothyroidism so my doctor tested me too. I have a family history of thyroid disease. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I’ve suffered so many of the symptoms of hypothyroidism you list on your blog for so many years.
Every single time I attend a bipolar support group I ask everyone if they are hypothyroid and every time half the people raise their hand and the other half have no clue what it is and they don’t know if they have been tested.
This reader’s message shook me to my core. I sat frozen in front of my computer.
Perhaps I need to step back and tell you a little bit about my educational and career background, to help you understand why this reader’s message has touched me so deeply. Why I feel guilty for having missed this critical piece to the mental health puzzle in my career.
At the start of my undergraduate science degree in Canada in the late 1980s, I was fortunate to take a course with a professor who was passionate about neurobiology. The science of the brain was intriguing to me. I graduated with my Honors Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience. When I then graduated with my teaching degree to teach science at the high school level, a specialization in Special Education was a perfect fit with my educational background.
The year I graduated with my teaching degree, I was hired as a high school science teacher in a specialized school for students considered “unfit” for mainstream schools. Basically this meant children who were expelled from regular high schools, children considered “violent”, children struggling academically. Really it was a school where a good portion of the students, primarily males, were in and out of the juvenile justice system. My year at this school opened my eyes to a world I didn’t know existed. I bonded with these children. I cared about them. They told me their life stories. I had many students who were great people, truly wonderful caring people that found themselves on this path in and out of jail.
I was interviewed on Prisonworld Radio Hour about my experience as a teacher for these troubled children in and out of the juvenile justice system. We discussed the issues of race, gang violence and an educational system that is failing these children. Since receiving this message from my blog reader, I’ve thought back on that interview and wonder if I missed a critical piece to the puzzle. A great majority of my students were labeled with learning disabilities and various mental health issues including depression, anxiety, suicidal, bipolar, ADHD, conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder. No matter where I worked in my teaching career, from this special school for troubled kids to a gifted high school for academically talented children, I inevitably found children struggling with mental health issues.
Given the need of every cell of our body including the brain for thyroid hormones, is it possible that some of these children had undiagnosed thyroid disease? Hmmm….
In 2000 I moved to NYC for my graduate studies. I attended classes with Ivy-League professors well-renowned for their research contribution in the world of psychology and counseling. As a career counselor and trainer in New York City, I’ve worked for over 10 years with people who have lost their jobs or who are unsatisfied with their career progression. You can’t imagine the number of people that I have worked with suffering from depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Job loss and career dissatisfaction are powerful triggers for brain health issues.
Hashimoto’s disease is a leading cause of hypothyroidism in the world. With Hashimoto’s disease, our immune system creates thyroid antibodies to attack our own thyroid gland as if it is the enemy. Once our immune system begins destroying our own thyroid gland, this attack can then spread to other parts of the body. Every part of the body becomes fair game for attack…why not the brain!
During my graduate studies, I was a team leader for a prestigious professor’s research team. As a team, we spent months of research to prepare just one research paper. I know very well the amount of time it took to create a published study. While one study alone is not enough to pique my interest when I find multiple research papers all with a common finding my interest is caught. For multiple research teams to find similar findings, the findings deserve serious attention. This is the case with hypothyroidism and mental disorders.
Hashimoto’s disease often comes with ups and downs in TSH like a wild roller coaster ride, with people suffering swings between symptoms of hyperthyroidism (hyperactivity, irritability, inability to sleep) and hypothyroidism (fatigue, depression). These swings back and forth, don’t they sound very similar to the swings in Bipolar Disorder (manic depression)? Hmm…
Research – Hypothyroidism & Mental Disorders
A 2002 study entitled “High Rate of Autoimmune Thyroiditis in Bipolar Disorder: Lack of Association with Lithium Exposure” found that Hashimoto’s thyroid antibodies were highly prevalent in a sample of outpatients with bipolar disorder as compared to a control group.1
What complicates studies with bipolar disorder is that patients with bipolar disorder are often treated with the drug Lithium. Thyroid problems are a common side effect of this drug. Lithium can cause hypothyroidism, goiters (enlarged thyroid), and autoimmune thyroiditis. So what came first, the hypothyroidism or the lithium treatment. The fact that so many bipolar patients on lithium treatment and so many not on lithium treatment are found to have Hashimoto’s thyroid antibodies is cause for real concern.
- An interesting study of bipolar twins versus healthy control twins showed that autoimmune thyroiditis is related not only to bipolar disorder itself but also to the genetic vulnerability to develop the disorder.2
- A 2004 study found a link between thyroid autoimmunity, specifically the presence of thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPO Ab+), with anxiety and mood disorders in the community.3
- A 2005 study found that subjects with Hashimoto’s disease displayed high frequencies of lifetime Depressive Episodes, Generalized Anxiety Disorders, Social Phobia, and Primary Sleep Disorders.4
- A study entitled “TSH concentration within the normal range is associated with cognitive function and ADHD symptoms in healthy preschoolers” reported:5
Despite being within the normal range, high TSH concentrations are associated with a lower cognitive function and high TSH and low Free T4 with ADHD symptoms in healthy preschoolers. Statistically significant differences were observed in the highest quartiles of TSH, suggesting a need for re-evaluation of the upper limit of the normal TSH range.
The Thyroid Movement
Actress and model Gena Lee Nolin, who starred on the popular series “Baywatch”, has gone public with her struggle with Hashimoto’s disease and hypothyroidism. She is the first internationally-known celebrity to tackle worldwide thyroid awareness as a personal mission. She has a devoted following on Twitter and Facebook. The following post was recently included on her Thyroid Sexy Facebook fan page. When I read this post, I knew the time had come to rise up and help make a change. Thank you, Gena, for all you are doing for us.
<<Linda>> Today I am angry. I know someone who signed themselves into a psych ward due to under-treated thyroid disease and other hormonal imbalances. This person was feeling suicidal and hopeless, has been to numerous clueless doctors from an HMO, and can not afford out of pocket treatment. Of course, in the psych ward, their treatment consists of antidepressants and therapy. It’s NOT going to work.
We have to change this. We HAVE to change this.
Never once in my educational training in education or counseling did I ever hear about the dangers of thyroid disease and brain health. Never once in these 20 years as a teacher and career counselor, have I ever considered thyroid disease as a possible cause for a person’s mental disorder. Never once…until NOW.
Thanks to people like Gena Lee Nolin a Thyroid Movement is happening. I can feel it deep within me. With every new follower on Twitter @HypothyroidMom, and every new “Like” on the Hypothyroid Mom’s Facebook page, and every comment from readers around the world here on this blog, I am convinced that a thyroid revolution has begun!
This is a callout to all my readers suffering from mental health issues to please be sure your thyroid has been checked properly. It is not enough to test for TSH and T4. A full thyroid panel should at least include TSH, Total T4, Free T4, Total T3, Free T3, Reverse T3, and thyroid antibodies.
Thyroid dysfunction can be inherited. To all my hypothyroid readers, please watch your children carefully. I am worried for our children. They may inherit thyroid dysfunction from us. I am devoted to building awareness for us, and I am compelled to do it for our children. If your child is suffering from learning disabilities, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, suicidal thoughts, conduct disorders or other mental health disorders, please please please have their thyroid properly tested. Please.
To all the teachers, special education teachers, school directors, childcare workers, school counselors, school administrators, please please, if you are working with a child suffering from brain health issues, please recommend a child for thyroid testing.
For readers suffering from mental health issues, please be sure your thyroid has been checked properly, with a full thyroid panel. #Thyroid Click To TweetTo all the police officers, truant officers, juvenile justice system workers, lawyers, judges, please include proper thyroid testing for those with mental health issues.
To the psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, social workers, mental health ward workers, please recommend proper thyroid testing and be your patient’s advocate with their doctor.
To researchers in the fields of psychology, psychiatry, counseling, education, and neuroscience, please take a look at the number of studies linking hypothyroidism especially Hashimoto’s to mental health. There are multiple studies that warrant further attention and additional study.
To all doctors, pediatricians, ER staff, nurses, endocrinologists, psychiatric hospital staff, please read the large body of scientific research linking thyroid dysfunction and mental health. Please take a close look at this research and analyze the flaws in the current mainstream medical model for thyroid disorder and make change. Please.
To people in the media, please help us. We are an unrecognized and overlooked group in mainstream medicine. The Thyroid Federation International estimates there are up to 300 million people worldwide with thyroid dysfunction, yet over half are unaware of their condition.6 Please help us build awareness. Please help us make a change.
Thank you to Jenny and Rufus Triplett for including me on Prisonworld Radio Hour to discuss my experience as a former high school teacher for troubled children in the juvenile justice system.
These stories gave me the chills. How come a bunch of us can Google thyroid and find these kind of scary relationships between thyroid and mental disorders and a lot of doctors, who are supossed to CARE don’t even bother to read about it. It’s heartbreaking!
Mental disorder is some thing I that wish never to experience again in my life till I die and if if I see any one of the same problem I will do all that I can to help, because it some thing you do not wish for.i was down for for 2 years that was what I was told by my love ones who never stop looking for a cure to my problem. They said they came across a great doctor name DR Alaska who told them to relax that all was going to be okay with me after the test and treatment it only took me 7 days for me me normal again. That is why I have took some time out today to say thank you. i know you will not hear me but the world is hearing me and I know they will help me thank you.if you need his help here is his contacts dralaskajohn@gmail.com or call him +2348169591194
Estuve bajo tratamiento de l siquiatra eso fue horrible y decian q de por vida tendria e usarlos….pero resulta q tengo tiroides con bocio,…. que fue primero el trastorno bipolar o la tiroides.?
WOW ALL THANKS TO THIS GREAT HERBAL DOCTOR. How can i ever stop saying thank you to Dr Williams, After taking his product today my sexual life is health and balance am living up to my wife expectation. For the past 11 years i have been struggling with weak erection and premature ejaculation. I have spend money on it but no cure until i took this product from Dr Williams just within few days i got cured. for his products contact him on his email address drwilliams098765@gmail.com if you are in need of his help
I have been following this blog for a while now and today i decided to share my tinnitus story to encourage someone out there. I suffered from terrible tinnitus for 9 years after a constant exposure to loud noise. These noise sounded like a car horn in my right ear and grew worse at night when everywhere was calm and quiet, i lacked sleep and this ruined my psychological life. I had no idea the sound was damaging my hearing until it was too late and i had partial deafness, i had a constant ringing in my ear which always makes me feel like taking my own life. I tried so many drugs even B-vitamin supplements, especially B-5, visited so many audiologist, mnemonics and all was to no avail. I have not seen my ex for a long while and when we bumped into each other she knew i was not okay and i had to tell her all i was facing. She felt so sad but told me there is a cure which let me in amazement. That was when she told me about Dr. lewishill herbal medicine which gives a permanent relief to tinnitus symptoms and cures it. Lord know i needed help so i got the medicine and used it, that was when i met a breakthrough, i am perfectly okay now and i sleep calm without any stress and i hear clearly now. You too can get cured just contact him on (drlewishill247@gmail. com) for advise and how to get the medicine. Thanks