Danna Bowman, Co-Founder
Thyroid Nation Essentials
Thyroid Essential Oils – Love Potion
Has the sensual woman (or man, I suppose) inside you, the one who appeared frequently in your early 20’s, left for vacation or completely disappeared? Very often, it seems like finding her will take more effort and energy than you have to give. And do you also suffer with an endocrine gland problem like hypothyroidism? I do. I started noticing that ALL of the products on the market contained EDC’s (endocrine disrupting chemicals). Using something that is healthy for your body (and your lover’s body) and is luxurious, too, shouldn’t be a chore!
That is why we created Love Potion Body Massage essential oil, from our Thyroid Essential Oils line. Love Potion is a body massage oil, designed to stimulate your sense of sexual well being, promote relaxation and encourage touch, closeness, massage…so you can hopefully, get your hubba hubba on. Put on some fabulously romantic music and use as desired for a fragrant sensual, intoxicating body massage. There are many factors that go into low libido, for both males and females. But for women, the impact of sexual desires is significantly more complex.
For instance, hormonal factors taking over the reproductive cycles of women alter dramatically from child-bearing, puberty, and menopause. So, for all the thyroid patients who needed a little help, including us, Tiffany and I put our thinking caps on and came up with a delightful and intriguing recipe for a thyroid essential oils low libido blend. Remember, also, our sense of smell is incredibly powerful for accessing the limbic system of our brain and thus can effect our libido and hormones. Aromatherapist, Dr. Naresh Arora explains,
“The essential oils do magic and stimulate the pituitary gland, the master of endocrine gland, which controls hormone production. Inactiveness of pituitary gland can lead to low sex drive. So, the oils help keep it in an active state.”
We know you’ll enjoy Love Potion, however, if you are still feeling less than frisky, there is more hope when your thyroid hormone is optimized. Gentle exercise, stretching, yoga and going gluten free can also prove to be a benefit in increasing libido. Other additions that may be helpful are Maca Root (always check with your doctor as some thyroid patients DO NOT do well with Maca Root) and/or add Omega 3’s (around 2000mg). Again, always check with your doctor. If you are also looking for a bit of vaginal lubricant help, that is technically edible, organic, virgin- cold pressed (usually a bit more coconutty) or centrifuge coconut oil may prove to be very beneficial. It may also be helpful with yeast issues.
One of the most vital and important things you must know about essential oils is that not all essential oils are created equally. Tiffany takes great care in selecting the best EOS for our endocrine system’s health. That meants, Thyroid Essential Oils were created with you in mind! Additionally, we wanted a blend that would be helpful for making thyroid patients feel sexy, desirable and that promoted touch between you and your loved one. So, we specially crafted this blend of Thyroid Essential Oils – Love Potion, with love, light and those intentions using these ingredients. (*Organic) Essential oils of:
- Sandalwood
- Patchouli
- Rose
- Ylang Ylang
- Neroli
- Sweet Orange*
- Vetiver
- Non-GMO Sunflower*
- Jojoba Oils*
Oh, and never underestimate the power of watching or reading a good romance novel or love story! Now go, ever so sultry…and ask for a massage! Always enjoy these thyroid essential oils with proper ventilation. Not for use with children under 13. Discontinue if symptoms or irritation arise. Do not apply to damaged, diseased or inflamed skin. Store away from children, pets, flames and heat, at or below room temperature. For external use only. For those with very sensitive skin and/or potential allergies, please place 1-2 drops of oil into bend of elbow, gently rub into skin, apply a bandage/covering and wait 24 hours for possible reaction. If irritation arises immediately, remove and wash away from skin. Do not apply to body if irritation arises.
About the Author
Danna Bowman is the founder of Thyroid Nation and co-creator of the Thyroid Essential Oils line, TNE with Grateful Garden. She developed Hashimoto’s after years of unknowinly suffering with hypothyroidism, hormonal imbalances and adrenal fatigue. Hypothyroidism runs in her family but it was never discussed, unfortunately. Her husband, 2 kids and her, picked up and moved, sight unseen, from Texas to Costa Rica in 2008. She was accurately diagnosed, however, they only offer Levothyroxine or Thyroidectomy as a solution for the disease. After a year of suffering, she turned to the internet. She found a doctor in Arizona that would consult with her and send Natural Dessicated Thyroid to her. After learning and realizing the misinformation and lack of information in Costa Rica and worldwide, she founded the website to help educate others. In 2015, she launched Thyroid Nation RADIO, a weekly thyroid and health, LIVE radio show with her co-host, Tiffany Mladinich. This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.