Rich Travis, Staff Writer
Thyroid Nation
Thyroid Tonic to help with inflammation, kidney issues and especially your thyroid.
It’s summer time. Who wants to beat the heat? Especially when it involves a wonderful juice that is not only beneficial for your thyroid and your health, but it can also help with inflammation and help to cleanse your kidney. The truth is, no matter what time of year it is, this thyroid tonic is a delicious way to do something healthy for your body.
Miraculous THYROID Tonic Drink
Supposedly, this tea helps the thyroid perform better. Those of us that suffer from hypothyroid or hyperthyroid symptoms can enjoy something other than medicine to help our tiny gland perform and feel better, by making a refreshing drink. Everything in it looks nourishing for the body.
It is a delicious tea and tonic. If it can help your thyroid perform better, why not give it a try?
– 1 cup unsweetened 100% cranberry juice
– 7 cups purified water
– 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
– 1/4 tsp ground ginger
– 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
– 3/4 Cup fresh squeezed orange juice (approx- 3 oranges)
– 1/4 Cup fresh squeezed lemon juice (approx-2 lemons)
Bring water to a boil; add cranberry juice, reduce heat to low
Add cinnamon, ginger, & nutmeg, stir and let simmer for 20 minutes; let it cool down to room temperature
Stir in orange & lemon juices…Add ice and enjoy!
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About the Author
Rich Travis is a staff writer for ThyroidNation.com. Living with his wife and 2 children, he has a front row seat to the devastation thyroid disease can cause and offers an in-depth, up close and personal view of his experience. His wife of 17 years suffers from Hypothyroidism and was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and Adrenal Fatigue in 2012. Seeking help, offering compassion and supporting cures for those that suffer. Please follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and read more of his articles here.
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