Jennifer Ganey, CHHC, Contributor
Thyroid Nation
Detoxify Your Thyroid Diet
Everywhere you look there are books, articles, and people telling you what the “perfect” diet is. How can that be when we are all so different? Experts argue amongst themselves, citing various studies and anecdotal evidence. In many cases it is an issue of splitting hairs (or increasing book sales). The reality is that basics of a healthy diet are pretty much agreed upon. We all know we should eat vegetables and drink water. The details get complicated only when lobbyists and marketing agents get involved.
If you are looking to create a healthy diet template, here are some guidelines to get you started. Start where you are and make changes where you are able. (Baby steps, if needed)
- Best – all organic. local
- Good – buy according to the Environmental Working Group’s Dirty Dozen and Clean fifteen list.
- Good – buy produce at your local farmer’s market
- Avoid – fruits and vegetables heavily sprayed with pesticide or genetically modified (corn, potatoes,apples, zucchini, etc.)
- Best – local, organic, pastured
- Good – organic
- Avoid – eggs from large factory farms
- Best – local, organic, grass-fed / pastured
- Good – grass-fed beef, organic poultry and pork
- Avoid – meat from large factory farms
Packaged foods
- Best – five ingredients or less, recognizable
- Avoid
- Soy
- Partially-hydrogenated oils
- High-fructose corn syrup
- Artificial flavors and colors
Cooking Fats
- Best for cooking – lard/tallow (from grass-fed animals), avocado oil, coconut oil
- Best for non-cooking uses – good-quality olive oil
- Avoid
- Partially-hydrogenated oils
- Soybean oil
- Canola oil
- Best – water, water, water!!! (filtered, NOT bottled)
- Good – herbal tea
- Fair – coffee (avoid the commercial flavored creamers)
- Avoid – soda, energy drinks and sugared sports drinks
It takes a little time to plan and prepare meals at home but the result will be much healthier. As you start to notice a difference in how you feel, you can make further changes. A food is listed as healthy may still not be the best choice for every individual. We are all created differently; listening to our bodies is the best thing any of us can do for ourselves.
About the Author
Jennifer Ganey Found positive signs with her chronic illness when she first saw an integrative medicine doctor. These first positive signs of healing fueled both her hopes and her curiosity. “Why had I never learned that what I ate and how I dealt with stress might have an impact on my health? Would these same changes help others?” All of the questions eventually led her to the Institute of Institute for Integrative Nutrition and a passion to help other women to lead healthy lives for themselves and their families. Not only does she now have the vitality to be the kind of mother she wants to be, she has also found her life’s purpose. Find her at JenniferGaney.com.
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