Dr. Phillip Paulk, DC, The Paulk Clinic
Thyroid Nation
Dr. Paulk discusses stomach acid, indigestion and your thyroid.
Hypothyroidism contributes to hypochlorhydria, a condition in which the stomach acid is too low. For someone with acid reflux or chronic indigestion this may sound like a good thing but in fact low stomach acid often causes heartburn, indigestion or GERD. When acid levels in the stomach are low the stomach cannot digest food thoroughly. The food in the stomach begins to rot and putrefy. The small intestine attempts to reject the rotting mess and the food shoots back up into the esophagus. The food is not acidic enough for the small intestine but is too acidic for the delicate tissues of the esophagus and causes painful heartburn and often gets diagnosed as GERD. This is why, after a meal that is heavy in protein you may feel that you have swallowed a brick.
The standard medical approach is to prescribe medications to reduce stomach acid which may give temporary relief but tends to exacerbate the underlying problem and requires continued and increasing dosages of the medication.
Hypothyroidism can contribute to low stomach acid and low stomach acid can also contribute to hypothyroidism.
It is estimated more than 90% of the population suffers from low stomach acid due to poor diets of processed foods. These digestive malfunctions that stem from low stomach acid sets the stage for autoimmune disease, chronic stress or poor absorption of nutrients, all of which could lead to hypothyroidism.
If you have been struggling with chronic indigestion, GERD, stomach acid or intestinal problems this could a warning sign that you may have undiagnosed hypothyroidism.
**This article originally appeared on ThePaulkClinic.com**
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Questions or anything to add about stomach acid? We want your thoughts in the comments section–Please!
I am on Lanaprozol because i have a hernia, I do not digest many foods properly. also have diabetes and hypothyroid is there anything that I can do to increase my stomach acids to a healthy number and still take the Lanaprozol? I have tried to stop this medication but suffered terribly with acid reflux as a result. Any help to get off this roundabout would be greatly appreciated