Danna Bowman, Founder
Thyroid Nation
Thyroid remedy for healing with Tibetan method.
Healing and Thyroid Remedy
In the Tibetan medical tradition, the concept of well-being takes into account the full dynamics of mind, body and spirit to achieve an effective and comprehensive healing strategy. It is immersed in Buddhist tradition, which differs from non-Buddhist medicine in that it utilizes three types of therapeutic intervention: medicinal entities, the power of mantra (a creative, repetitive sound) and the power of meditative stabilization. In doing so, the Tibetan healing traditions transport us into a strange world of interconnectedness between macrocosmic principles and their microcosmic manifestations; harmony and balance between the cosmic macrocosm and the human microcosm is believed to be essential for health and well-being. This is true not only in the sense that balance is required for health, but also in the somewhat deeper sense that such balance is the essence of health; balance among the physical, psychological and spiritual elements of human existence is health.
The thyroid gland is the largest one from endocrine system, and when it does not working properly, your whole body suffers. We suggest you to try a Tibetan remedy that helps treat thyroid problems.
Tibetan thyroid remedy exercise can be performed both standing and sitting down. It is necessary to do as often as it improves your thyroid gland functions. This thyroid remedy is especially effective for hypothyroidism and aims to increase circulation in the area, helping to clean the gland.
About the Author
Danna Bowman is the founder of Thyroid Nation. She developed Hashimoto’s after years of unknowinly suffering with hypothyroidism, hormonal imbalances and adrenal fatigue. Hypothyroidism runs in her family but it was never discussed, unfortunately. Her husband, 2 kids and her, picked up and moved, sight unseen, from Texas to Costa Rica in 2008. She was accurately diagnosed, however, they only offer Levothyroxine or Thyroidectomy as a solution for the disease. After a year of suffering, she turned to the internet. She found a doctor in Arizona that would consult with her and send Natural Dessicated Thyroid to her. After learning and realizing the misinformation and lack of information in Costa Rica and worldwide, she founded the website to help educate others. In 2015, she launched Thyroid Nation RADIO, a weekly thyroid and health, LIVE radio show with her co-host,Tiffany Mladinich.
PLEASE take a moment to ‘Like’ Thyroid Nation on Facebook and listen to us on Thyroid Nation RADIO, Twitter and Periscope.
Questions or anything to add about thyroid remedy healing? We want your thoughts in the comments section–Please!
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Thank you for this posting! I have had absolutely no relief with my hypothyroid using conventional Western treatments. I have just started using some Ayurvedic supplements but I can’t believe that I have never heard of this method. Ironically, I have followed the teachings of the Dalai Lama for 40 years. His Holiness would probably find this to be hilarious & he loves a good laugh! You have given me hope.
It runs in the women in my family for over 100 years. Everyone has a opinion on what to eat and drink to help . What’s the truth ? Thank you