Dr. David Wang, ND, Contributor
Thyroid Nation



Dr. Wang discusses adrenals, chronic stress, thyroid disease, the changes that can occur from season to season and how to handle them.




Summer was filled with time off for sun, fun, rest and relaxation. Typically after

the Labor Day weekend, everyone goes back to work or school and all of a sudden,

I see patients coming in droves with fatigue, exhaustion, colds, flus, and so on,

which are all symptoms of stress and the inability to cope.

Stress affects everyone, and yet it is the most underdiagnosed and unproclaimed

epidemic condition in the world! In the doctor’s office, 75% to 95% of all medical

conditions are attributed to stress. In the workplace, the cost of stress is

estimated at $300B per year in the U.S. according to Occupational Safety and

Health Administration (OSHA). Chronic stress can result from physical causes

such as cold, noise, trauma, burns, malnutrition, exercise and surgery.

Psychological stressors such as worry and anxiety about finances, family, career,

deadlines, interviews, exams and so on, can induce stress as well. Stress symptoms

can include fatigue, exhaustion, slow metabolism, weight gain, low mood,

depression, pain, inflammation, frequent colds or flus, infertility, insomnia,

anxiety, worry and panic attacks.


These conditions can certainly set the stage for cardiovascular events and

cancers, two of the most common causes of death in North America. Chronic

stress does not just affect your mind and spirit, but it can also profoundly affect

your physical body. Chronic stress initially depletes adrenal glands of its

cortisone and in turn less cortisol is released into the blood. Cortisol is

necessary to maintain metabolism and is secreted in larger quantities during

times of stress in order to mobilize blood sugar, the energy sources needed for the

response. When the adrenal glands are depleted, the thyroid gland will work

harder to make up for the lack of energy. As chronic stress continues, the thyroid

gland will eventually become depleted as well and lead to symptoms of hair loss,

weight gain, and cold extremities. About half of all my patients with adrenal

depletion will have a compromised thyroid condition. Anyone who has gone

through a major life changing event such as losing a loved one, separation or

divorce, having children, losing a job, or moving to another country could

potentially have adrenal depletion problems. Many times this is in combination

with thyroid depletion. Do any of these symptoms sound familiar?


Oftentimes, MDs will treat the thyroid gland when it’s become deficient,

and fail to recognize that the original cause is adrenal deficiency, stressors

or the inability to cope. The adrenal-thyroid connection has been established in

studies and in my practice. Many do well with a dual-glandular support

program and nutritional support along with lifestyle management strategies.

What is key in restoring adrenal and thyroid depletion problems is the

importance of nutritional support including B-vitamins and Vitamin C, from

organic whole foods. This is because the body only recognizes, absorbs, and

assimilates nutrients that are made by nature. Only foods that are grown from

the ground provide nutrients that are recognized by the body and supported

by the required cofactors including minerals, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids,

fatty acids and phytonutrients in order to ensure assimilation. In addition,

these restorative nutrients are bound naturally with proteins, carbohydrates

and fats that your body recognizes and can then absorb readily. On the contrary,

synthetic nutrients are isolated compounds made by drug companies. For

example B-vitamins are typically made from toxic chemicals including

petroleum by-products, coal-tar derivatives, formaldehyde, acetone and cyanide.

This is one reason they often made my patients feel sick, in the early part

of my practice.


During times of stress, it is important to eat wholesome foods regularly.

Maintaining your blood sugar is paramount to reducing your cortisol level,

since low blood sugar is one of the key triggers for cortisol release. So eating

meals with complex carbohydrates, proteins and essential fatty acids from whole

foods, and not from processed or packaged foods, will feel better for your body.

Eating regularly means eating every 3 to 4 waking hours. Feeding your body

good fuel regularly, will also help to maintain your blood sugar level. This

means that most people need to get into the habit of eating a good snack at

3 pm, when this transient low blood sugar state could potentially cause more

cortisol release. A good idea would be to eat some organic nuts and seeds

along with an apple or a pear, for a snack.


On the contrary, if you were to skip meals (because you forget to eat or

you’re trying to lose weight), blood sugar drops and this triggers a cortisol

release, which means that your next meal will be packed away around your

waist rather than being used. This is because your body senses the stress of

starvation and will store away the food as fat in the event that there’s another

bout of starvation. Remember that if you’re trying to fuel your body properly

to get through your day or to lose weight, you need to eat good food regularly!

Generally speaking, eating primarily a plant-based diet will offer more

support by way of preventing diseases and being more easily digestible, and

it will also alkalize the body. This means that it will get more oxygen to the

tissues, and reduce tension in your muscles. Eating more organic food also

makes sense due to the increase in oxidation from stress reactions. A recent

study shows that organic foods have more antioxidants, are less toxic and

have more phytonutrients.


In addition to pushing themselves, people on the verge of adrenal collapse

will also often consume artificial energy-boosters like sugary snacks and

caffeinated beverages. These “vices” cause sugar surges followed shortly by

sugar crashes that can worsen their adrenal status. Coffees and caffeinated

beverages can further deplete your adrenals by stimulating the release of

already depleted cortisol levels.


As our society becomes busier and our lives more demanding, people are

forgetting to relax. Many feel that they do not have time to rest, so they

continue to push themselves, not realizing that their bodies work on natural

cycles of being energized and relaxed, using up (catabolism) and restoring

(anabolism). People who are heading toward a nervous breakdown or

burnout often feel that the demands on their lives are increasing, and thus

they feel that they must work even harder. This is because relative to their

low adrenal reserves, their work and stressors seem to be mounting.

Instead of slowing down, they take on more stress and in turn cause even

further depletion.


Chronically stressed individuals are not taking the time to be present,

breathe deeply, relax, meditate, do yoga and slow down before eating – nor

are they getting an adequate amount of sleep. What I recommend to my

patients is to pay close attention to the body’s natural circadian rhythm. The

natural rise in cortisol during the day should be matched with exercise and

work while the natural dip in cortisol level in the evening should correspond

to a period of rest and relaxation. After dinner, everyone should take a least

an hour of “me” time for a relaxing walk, meditation, light reading, listening

to relaxing music, hatha yoga or taking a hot bath before bed. Oh yes,

unfortunately this does mean putting away your electronic equipment, not

watching TV and no more emails or social media messaging for at least an

hour before bedtime!

The importance of maintaining proper circadian rhythm cannot be

overstated. During daylight savings time, when we lose or gain one hour of

daylight, there is an increase in health risk associated with this change in our

sleep-wake cycle. Car accidents increase by 8%, workplace accidents increase

by 6% and heart attacks increase by 10%. Studies have also shown that

people who do shift work experience increased risks to Type 2 diabetes by

50%, heart attacks by 23%, coronary events by 24%, stroke by 5% and

also increased risks to depression, gastric ulcers, infertility and cancer.


It’s important to lead a purposeful life and to achieve your professional and

personal goals. But if you find that your desire turns into an obsession, or

that your goals and desires turn into anxiety and worry then you need to

find your balance. According to Eastern philosophy, suffering comes from

deep-rooted mental issues that stem from cravings and aversions. Finding

your center is key to reducing your tension. Being equanimous means

to neither crave and cling nor to be averse or be anxious about something

or someone. Adopting a new attitude of letting go, accepting what is,

being in the here and now will reduce your cortisol levels and spare your

adrenal glands.



Top 12 Do’s and Don’ts for Adrenal Support, Thyroid and Coping with Stress
-Take organic pure food supplements (Vit B’s and C) -Take synthetic supplements that may be toxic
-Be aware of breathing and breathe! -Hold your breath and being tense
-Exercise in the morning -Exercise in the evening or night-time (Yoga, Walking)
-Stay focused on one task at a time -Multi-task all day at work and home
-Relax in the evening with yoga, bath, reading, etc. -Work, email, or watch TV in evenings
-Engage in creative activities like art, music in evening -Think or always being busy in the evenings
-Have regular sleep-wake cycle & get a full night’s sleep -Work irregular shifts, late night socials & reduce sleep
-Give thanks and relax before eating “slow foods” -Rush and work through your meals, eat “fast foods”
-Eat balanced meals and regularly -Skip meals or consume sugars & coffees
-Say “No” to some things and set boundaries -Say “yes” to everything and over commit
-Incorporate more breaks, laughter, and be happy -Work overtime at dead-end job, being sad & depressed
-Stay balanced and be present -Over-reacting, obsessing over desires or being anxious


In my practice, when patients follow these simple steps and take

the right food supplements, about 80% of them experience

significant improvements within 30 days! Can you imagine having

more energy and focus, better metabolism, weight loss, improved

mood, coming off of antidepressants, reduced inflammation,

stronger immunity, and happiness?

 About the Author

Transitioning-From-Summer-To-Fall-With-Thyroid-DiseaseDr. David Wang, ND is the past president of the BC Naturopathic Association, and founder of the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine. He currently teaches at the Boucher Institute and offers seminars across Canada. Dr. David also maintains a practice in Burnaby, BC. Visit his site at, follow him on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. To learn more about Dr. Wang, click here.


Questions or anything to ask Dr. Wang about your adrenals, chronic stress or your thyroid? We want your thoughts in the comments section–Please! 

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